**Flaggets Heder: Little Norway, 1940-1945


kr 279.00

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Book Details


Nils Mathisrud


112 pages, 225x245mm, hardback, 150 illustrations, and 55 profile and plan drawings.






NOK 279 + pp
(Local VAT (no VAT in Norway) or custom chages not included)

About The Author

Nils Mathisrud

Nils Mathisrud

With his background in scale modelling, Nils Mathisrud has built up a great knowledge of markings and colours of Norwegian military aircraft. He has shown with his books "Noorduyn Norseman Mk.IV & Mk.VI” (on sale on this website) and "The Stockholm Run" (Awarded ‘Best Norwegian Aviation Book’ and 'Best Swedish Aviation Book’) and many articles in Norwegian and British aviation and scale model magazines that he has very thorough knowledge of the subject.
European Airlines is proud to publish his series of books called "Flaggets heder" (Honour of the Flag) about the marking of military aircraft. In this series at least five volumes are planned.

Little Norway, 1940-1945

Denne boken beskriver farger og merking på fly fra Hærens og Marinens flyvåpen som opererte i Flyvåpnenes treningsleir ”Little Norway” i Canada under den andre verdenskrig.Boken inneholder 55 profil- og plantegninger som sammen med 150 bilder og utfyllende tekst viser hvordan flyene var malt og merket. Denne boken er et velegnet referanseverk for bemaling av museumsfly, warbirds og modellfly.

Boken inneholder informasjon om bl.a.:
– Fargeskjemaer og -standarder
– Nasjonalitetskjennetegn
– Flynumre og registreringskoder
– Gavefly
– Annen merking