
Serviços Aéreos Portugueses Limitada – SAP (1927-1945)

By: Rob Mulder For: www.europeanairlines.no In 1922 the Junkers Flugzeugwerk AG already made its first attempt to enter the Portuguese market, when it offered the Companhia Portuguesa de Navegação Aerea Lda Junkers Type F (J 13) against 50% of their value. A first sight of a Junkers-aircraft in Portugal did not occur until November 1925, when the Swedish registered Junkers G 24, S-AAAY visited Lisboa. The visit was in 1927 followed by the foundation of an airline company in Portugal by Junkers. The Serviços Aéreos Portugueses Lda, known as SAP, has been founded on May 19, 1927 with a stock...

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